
Showing posts from July, 2012

How to create barred text in Latex

How to make barred, crossed text in LaTeX? Maybe you need it because you want to indicate a change or some incorrect text... Anyway the solution I have found is to "call"  the packet ulem   with the command \usepackage{ulem}  and then the command   \sout{YOUR TEXT} to actually make your text barred. In the ulem packages other interesting commands are available, here is a list (extract from the documentation about ulem, see the reference below) Reference: Did you like this post? Consider to make a small donation!

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How to fit IMPLICIT functions with Matlab! A worked-out example

In Matlab you can perform implicit curve fit using either "nlinfit" or "lsqcurvefit" (the last one only if you have the optimization toolbox) but you need to re-write the implicit function into an explicit one solving it numerically (i.e. using "fzero"). THERE IS NO WAY to fit directly using an implicit expression! To learn how to successfully fit using an implicit function you can follow the instructions on this Matlab page page or to read and use my worked-out example. I will show you how my implementation of the Langevin function with a field Weiss (that is an implicit equation). This example is interesting by itself becasue it addresses the topic of how to model an hysteresis loop. The equation is taken from the paper by D.C. Jiles and D.L. Atherton ,  Ferromagnetic Hysteresis , IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, Vol. Mag-19, No. 5, September 1983. For a general reference about the Langevin equation (and generally for magnetism) I recommend the ...

How animals see the world

This post on was very interesting!

How to type a tilde on a Mac (for the NOT operator in C)

If you have found this post probably you are in dire need of typing a simple tilde ~ on  a Mac, for example, because you are writing some code in C ... And yes, I refer to the f**king "~", the NOT operator in C .  So how to do it? First of all, keep in mind that the magic combination depends on the keyboard-layout you are using. If you are not using a PRO layout (check or change it in System Preferences -> Language & Text -> Input ) the combination is simply: Alt + N + SPACE = ~ with a PROfessional layout the combination is - usually - different. For example with the Italian PRO, the combination is Alt + 5 = ~ Now you can write all the NOT operators you need ;) NOTE #1 Please note that "~" is not equal to " ˜ " the latter is used to type the fancy spanish latter ñ ;) NOTE #2 In Windows, use the shurtcut Alt + Fn + 126 That's all Folk! GO TO THE HOME PAGE