Hello Internet! Sorry for the long long absence! It has been a while since my last post! 2016 was a tough year for me, especially to the end... but here I am, again! I chose something really juicy for the comeback! If you haven't been there yet, please visit Rome at least once in your life. It's such a wonderful city! And when you are there, take your time and patience and visit the Vatican Museums ( http://www.museivaticani.va ) you will be amazed! As part of the tour, there is the Sistine Chapel, there, between 1508 and 1512, Michelangelo painted the ceiling, making it one of the most famous fresco ever made! Or let Robin Williams do the talking in this famous scene from Will Hunting : Anyway, as part of the Fresco, there is The Creation of Adam (source: wikipedia ) So what about it? Well Michelangelo hid a brain in the background figures and shapes behind the image of God! (source: the verge ) This is at least of the theory proposed in ...