How to type a tilde on a Mac (for the NOT operator in C)

If you have found this post probably you are in dire need of typing a simple tilde ~ on  a Mac, for example, because you are writing some code in C ...
And yes, I refer to the f**king "~", the NOT operator in C

So how to do it?
First of all, keep in mind that the magic combination depends on the keyboard-layout you are using.

If you are not using a PRO layout
(check or change it in System Preferences -> Language & Text -> Input)
the combination is simply:

Alt + N + SPACE = ~

with a PROfessional layout the combination is - usually - different.
For example with the Italian PRO, the combination is

Alt + 5 = ~

Now you can write all the NOT operators you need ;)

Please note that "~" is not equal to " ˜ " the latter is used to type the fancy spanish latter ñ ;)

In Windows, use the shurtcut

Alt + Fn + 126

That's all Folk!



CharlotteSushi said…
For me, it's Fn + alt + ¨
eddie said…
When I wrote this post, I didn't realized that shortcuts actually depend on the keyboard-layout you use!!!

So, for example, with a German keyboard-layout the combination is:

Alt + n + SPACE = ~

But with an Italian layout you have:

Fn + Alt + 5 = ~

This means that I have to modify this post!

Thanks for your comment, it opened my eyes!

By the way, which layout are you using?

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